Tuesday, January 18, 2011

breaking medical news

Did you know that some people with severe food allergies (dairy, peanuts) are so sensitive they cannot ingest their partners', um, bodily fluids if their partners don't abstain from the allergens too? And I mean, like, totally abstain? I didn't either!

If if came down to the choice of a.) no blowjobs ever or b.) no cheese ever or c.) dumping said partner, which would YOU choose? (Clue: if you would give up either blowjobs OR cheese, it must be twue luv. In the immortal words of Ms Carter-Knowles, put a ring on it! Stat!)



crispix67 said...

Hmmm...I did not know that either. Does make sense though now that I think about it.

Hopefully they could find a partner also allergic to the same things so there wouldnt be a problem.

Yes, it's a beautiful world I live in...all puppies and unicorns and rainbows. Oh, and kittens too. :-)

Uncle said...

How come we never discussed this in my A&P class? I mean, we got into the average volume of ejaculate. But this is IMPORTANT>

malevolent andrea said...

Yes, Ms Crispix, your land of sunshine and rainbows and unicorns and puppies and kitten orgasms sounds delightful!

And Uncle? I don't know if you remember this from the long ago and far away blog, but on my physiology final there were two questions related to semen and I got them both wrong. I was like, HOW CAN THIS BEEEEEE... :-)

Craig H said...

I could live without the full completion of A, (there are other places in which to ejaculate when the time comes that occur to the mind of an imaginative--or even an unimaginative--man), but the absence of cheese as per item B would be a hard limit for me, requiring the exercise of option C--dumping said partner. I could also live with a partner who could be happy that I might indulge my interest in option A from time to time with others, provided she didn't take it the wrong way. (It's not like I'd mean anything by it).

malevolent andrea said...

The latter is the sensible option, obs, but most people are so hung up on monogamy. Sigh.

malevolent andrea said...

P.S. I'm still waiting for this to become common knowledge so there will be an upswing in internet dating ads along the lines of "looking for 30-45 year old professional, must like dogs, enjoy travel, and be lactose intolerant."

Craig H said...

They're already putting romanticized notions of herpes medications onto the tube--can't be long.