Friday, January 14, 2011

but enough about me...

Let's do some links!

From the Yur Definitely Doin It Rong files, I give you a headline you don't see every day. If your partners' usual reactions to you cannot be easily differentiated from that of, y'know, a corpse, you probably should work some on your technique. After you're out of jail.

From the This Makes Me Stabby files, I give you douchebaggery in Idaho. You know what? If you have a problem dispensing certain drugs, don't become a pharmacist. Or, at least, get a job working in a hospital pharmacy making up IV solutions. That there are "conscience protection" laws for people in health care in the first place infuriates me. If part of the job you are hired for is morally distasteful to you, then you shouldn't have taken that job. I saw someone use a good analogy in discussing this case. She's a vegan (for ethical, not health, reasons) and she said it would be like her taking a job waiting tables, then refusing to serve people burgers. OMG, get the legislature right on that and make sure vegan restaurant workers aren't forced to be complicit in the serving of meat and vegan clothing store employees can make their customers take their leather jackets to another register! Oh, it doesn't work like that? The only moral qualm protected by law is refusal to dispense Plan B and oral contraceptives over the CVS counter? I forgot, we only respect the morals of right wing Christians in this country. Silly me.



Uncle said...

What...someone else has rights? I didn't get that memo.

I've had a chance lately to notice that a certain large hospital network associated with a certain large religion has no problem at all enabling people to make a career out of workers comp, whilst other providers struggling to help some poor bastard get back to work can't make a dime. But that has nothing to do with "life", does it?

malevolent andrea said...

Don't you know life begins at conception and ends at birth? Something like that.