Friday, January 21, 2011

it's snowing again and some people are pleased

I thought I would list some positive things about that white stuff falling out of the sky.

1.) All the little eight year olds are happy they have the day off from school again and can go outside in the snow or play XBox all day

2.) All the fifteen year olds are happy they have the day off from school and that they called it last night by 10 pm so they didn't have to do their homework and in fact can ignore it till Sunday night

3.) Big dogs are happy because they like playing in the snow even more than your average eight year old**

4.) People who like to ski at Wachusett are happy***

5.) Guys who plow are happy, because KA-CHING****

You know how I feel about snow, so no, I am not filled with joy. I will, however, mention the one thing about it that makes me happy every single time--little teeny kitteh paw prints across a sidewalk of fresh snow. I don't know what it is about paw prints that is so endearing, but they just are.


Thought I'd forget the footnotes again, didn't you, bitches? WRONG!

**Though those little purse dogs always look absolutely miserable when you see them out on a walk in their little twee sweaters when there's snow on the ground, which reinforces my belief those things aren't actually dogs

***Though in my opinion they should be content with the manmade snow OR with hoping NH gets whacked, not us, and just driving a little further

****Though one of my little flirtatious city workers yesterday was bitching that people think they're making a shit ton of money with the overtime but that, actually, it all goes in taxes, to which I did not reply "oh, boohoo" because, damn, he was shoveling for me

Addendum: do you ever spell a word so incorrectly that spellcheck has no idea what you mean? Isn't that humiliating?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I manage to stump myself and spellcheck with great regularity. However, The Google usually can figure out WTF I meant even when I can't, i.e. "did you mean..." or just shows you links with the right spelling.

It's also very useful for getting the right accents on French words and the like. You can just cut and paste rather than trying to figure out how to get those weird foreign symbols on your keyboard.

One does have to be careful, though, that many of the other morons on the Internet don't have your same sense of spelling, or Google will happily show all those egregious errors to you as well.