Saturday, August 27, 2011

panic in the disco, part 3

I was feeling much better last night, after being talked down, and after the mega-basement cleaning D and I did, which as you know, burns off the crazee energy, and then this morning when, as I was getting ready to leave, I heard in passing on D's TV some weather wonk say something like, "2-4 inches of rain, which we can get in a thunderstorm..." I may have misheard, but the idea that that's all the rain we were slated for left me heading for work in a good, calm mood.

At some point during the day that changed. I saw a couple of people online make comments that led me to believe perhaps the storm track had changed or something. I tried to look online to find out, and all I could find was doom, gloom, and death for New England. I started to feel anxious and unsettled again. I choked down my lunch, which sat in my stomach like a rock, the way food does when I am too upset to eat. I go out in our waiting area to try to find an actual updated forecast on the television. Well. I get Governor Patrick's doom, gloom, and death press conference. It does not make me feel better. Since I am done with patients, I decide to leave work early, go to the gym, and do the rest of my storm prep.

At the gym, something happens that has never happened before. I change, I go upstairs, I cannot lift any weights. I literally cannot lift a weight that was on the verge of getting too easy last week. I attempt a few sets, and I just...can't do it. I say a couple bad words, put my dumbbells away, change and leave. It has started to rain. I walk in the rain to CVS because I have a two day only 25% off coupon. I take my three items to the cashier, where they all ring up as on sale (though none of them had signs saying they were on sale or I wouldn't have chosen them) and are thus ineligible for my coupon. I tell the cashier thanks, but I don't want it, and I leave. I get on my bus and I am very close to crying. I am thinking very VERY dark thoughts.

But before I can go home with my very dark thoughts, I must stop at the Happiest Place on Earth, sure to lift my spirits: WalMart! Since I couldn't find my crank flashlight, I go in search of lantern batteries. Everyone has beaten me to them. In fact there is nothing in that store even vaguely flashlight related and the "associates" are repeating so over and over to the approximately 658 people in there with me looking for an artificial light source. I buy trash bags, grape jelly, and light bulbs, and leave. It is still raining as I walk the few blocks home. A man asks me if I would like a ride in his Caddie. I demure, and wonder once again what it is about me that screams, "oh, yes, I do accept rides from probable rapists or serial killers."

At home, I finally find the crank flashlight, sorta right near where I looked for it yesterday (sigh) and then I bring in all my stuff from the patio that I should have done *before* the rains commenced. I check my basement approximately every fifteen minutes to make sure there's no puddles forming. I eat something without bringing it back up. And then I write this post.

How was your day?



Uncle said...

No crank flashlight here, only a solar one which actually lives in the sun. But I can't find either the kerosene lamps or the extra laptop battery. I'm musing on that collision of technology.

We're all set for batteries but I went out this afternoon for corn to go with the burgers and tomato to put on them. Sold out?? Who hoards corn and tomatoes?

I remain detached and fascinated by the whole business.

malevolent andrea said...

Corn and tomatoes do not seem like the first thing on the disaster plan list, but maybe those people got a different copy than I did. I am thinking hard about whether I should go to the liquor store right now while it's not raining very much. On the one hand, I have a bottle of wine with about a glass and a half in it and I think two beers in the fridge, which is obviously not enough to get drunk on today and tomorrow. OTOH, maybe I need to be stone cold sober and keep my wits about me, in case a tree crashes through my window or something.

I actually have no idea what I am supposed to do if a tree crashes through my window anyway, so that's a point in favor of going down the street for another bottle of wine.

Uncle said...

I stopped at Steve's on the way home Friday and topped off the inventory with their cheapest 12-pack. If you're storm-bound, anything tastes good. Go for it.

crispix67 said...

Keeping you guys in my thoughts and prayers. Stay safe.

As for the booze...whatever gets you through the night :-)

malevolent andrea said...

Ms Crispix! Good to hear from you! And the well-wishes are much appreciated.

crispix67 said...

I havent been online much -also having trouble with home internet. Its okay, Im busy with petsitting and started Yoga teacher training in July(!) so my days are full of non-internet things :-)

malevolent andrea said...

That's so cool! Will you be teaching at the studio you go to when you are done? I know you've always said what an awesome place it is.