Monday, July 11, 2011


Untitled simply because every title I can come up with is a version of "I hate people", "I want to scream", "this is giving me IBS", "I am still disgruntled", and so forth. I suppose it would be only fair to warn potential readers that there is bitching and whining to come, but whatever. How long does it take to hit that little x in the upper right corner? C'mon now.

1.) D had to reapply for MassHealth disability coverage. This involved filling out a multiple page form that asked many questions about your health problems and what you can and cannot do and then filling out releases for all your healthcare providers. After sending it back, we got a letter saying it was received and that we would not hear from them unless there was a problem or change. Friday night I come home to find a letter from them in our mailbox. Before I even opened it, I started to feel sick. They want him to go see a psychologist in friggin' Malden on August 2 for further evaluation of his disability. Why? Because the health center where he sees his psychiatric nurse *did not send them any medical records*. Are you fucking kidding me? Besides which, what the hell do they think he takes clozapine for? (Besides the other...lemme count...five other drugs he's taking.) They give you that for schizophrenia, not the fucking common cold. If that doesn't qualify you for MassHealth (besides the fact he has NO INCOME), Double You Tee Eff. Anyway, I have a call in to his NP and am hoping if she calls them and sends them his records, this "evaluation" will not have to take place. I haven't said anything to him about this yet, because it's bad enough one of us has to be sick to the stomach over this. I'll save him the anxiety hit until it's unavoidable.

2.) The crap in work that's stressing me out is continuing. I thought things were under control until tomorrow, when it would hopefully be fully resolved, but I came into work today to another headache. This all could have been avoided by some wonk over at Partners in Boston signing off on a PO to get a piece of equipment fixed that *I need to DO MY JOB* on the same day we requested it, but no. The wheels of bureaucracy not only grind slowly, they stop grinding altogether for reasons that are unclear to those of us who actually do real work for a living. Again, I should not have to beg and borrow to get things that are essential for me to actually perform my job duties. Double You Tee Eff.

3.) My left eyelid is flaking again and I look like I have leprosy. Or something. It's very attractive. I'm sure it's stress-related.

Somebody tell me some good news. Rainbows! Sunshine! Kitten orgasms! Throw me a bone, por favor.



Craig H said...

The US women's world cup soccer team made a miracle yesterday--here's hoping their karma rubs off just a little bit for you this week.

As for bizarre purchasing-related bureaucracy, it's a direct result of beancounters being pressured to save money for money's sake, and understanding nothing of the actual business involved in making it. I'm sure there's a statistic that shows that not signing off on a PO results in lower expenses, but nowhere in that calculation can they ever hope to capture or quantify everything that's lost in the process. Some day I'm going to write a book...

malevolent andrea said...

Sports miracles are good.