Wednesday, July 13, 2011

tiny little dewdrops of annoyance

Having complained to you all about my real problems earlier, let's now tackle the less serious ones.

1.) They have apparently discontinued making my favorite eyeliner. I looked for it in 3 different CVSes and Tarzhay, and it is no longer on the Revlon shelves. So in the past two weeks or so, I have bought(as of today) four other replacement eyeliners, the first three of which were not an adequate replacement for the one I like. Let's hope #4 is the charm. Number 4, however, came from Sephora and cost $22, so even if it turns out to be the perfect color and formula, it will still be inferior to the $10 one I can no longer get. Grrr. Also, I have probably spent close to, if not more than, $50 on eyeliner in the last two weeks in my futile search. You men have no idea how hard it is to be a woman. Thank god I haven't had my period in like three months and thus am saving on tampon money.

2.) I am reading this book on my kindle called The Passage. It's kind of a mashup of The Stand and 28 Days Later and The Walking Dead, etc: you know, virus wiping out Life as We Know It, people turning into vampire/zombie/inhuman killing machines, little girl who is probably the savior of humanity, blah blah. Not the most original concept, is what I'm saying, but well done and a good read and you know I like that shiz anyway. And I'm glad I've got it on the kindle, 'cause I've been reading and reading and reading, and I'm only 36% done, so obviously in hardcover this is one of those tendinitis books. My problem with it is in the beginning section of the book there are so many characters, most of whom are referred to only by their last name--scientists and feds and army guys--that it was impossible to remember who most of them are. So I had to just give up and keep reading and just roll with their deaths (spoiler! heh), not knowing who was who. Would it be so hard in a book with that many people in it to give them names that were distinctive enough to help differentiate them? You wouldn't think so. A colorful nickname or two wouldn't hurt. God.

3.) I was almost hit by cars twice today, crossing in the crosswalk with a walk light. Once in Salem, once in Back Bay. The first one, I was crossing and these two teenage kids were also crossing at the same time. They were on the outside and I was on the inside. We were directly in the middle of the street and the SUV that had rolled up to the red light...kept rolling. Into the crosswalk. Like two inches from the right side of my body. I smacked its hood with my hand and said, "WTF?" The two kids, who I suspect were probably stoned to judge from their previous walking-down-the-street conversation, started yelling at the SUV, "What the shit? I saw that! You hit her! It's okay, she's only paralyzed on one side!" and other such hilarity. Then later, I was crossing Dartmouth street in Copley, again, in the crosswalk with a walk light, behind a bunch of other people and a car *came around* the other driver who was waiting for the pedestrians to finish crossing to make the left from Boylston--and he wasn't slowly rolling, this one--and had to slam his breaks on to keep from hitting me. This one was too much. "Do you see the fucking walk light?" I yelled at his stupid face. "Do you?" he yelled back, totally nonsensically. "Yeah, I do, AND I HAVE ONE." What is wrong with people? Seriously. What is wrong with them?

Ponder these things and get back to me. Muah.


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