Wednesday, November 2, 2011

vaginal atrophy starts...NOW, and other news!

Oh, hai, kids. Did I tell you I went to my PCP last week? I can't remember. (And this is part of the problem.) Well, I did. And in the mail today I got my lab results. It's official. My estrogen has bottomed out and my FSH is through the roof. I'm in menopause. Woofuckinhoo! Not surprised, what with the hot flashes and the incredible, scary stupidity, but as detailed before, I'm not sure I'm ready for this. Not that I have a choice.

So I popped my letter from the doctor into my purse and went off to meet M2. We were meeting in Central Square and repairing to Inman Oasis to redeem my $5 soak from RueLaLa (the one that took me a month of calls and emails to get the voucher for, because apparently it was getting blocked in my email somehow? yeah, that one) and then go to lunch. There I was, on the Red Line, getting my phone out to text M2 that I was almost there, when I looked up to see the doors closing and then hear the overhead announcement that the next stop was Harvard. Son of a bitch. I thought we were only at Kendall. So I had to text M2 instead that I missed the stop and was hopping on a train coming back at Harvard. Sigh. When the fuck am I going to get my brain back? M2 says the stupidity and spaciness does not last forever. Either that, or your memory gets so bad, you don't actually remember you don't have one anymore. Oh, the lulz. Thanks, M2!

In any case, the soak was great, and then we went to the All Star Sandwich Bar, where I had a tuna melt and M2 had deviled eggs and salad, and we split (at her insistence) an order of poutine. I did not have the heart to point out that I was pretty sure that gravy isn't, y'know, technically vegetarian. Besides, once she mentioned it I really wanted that poutine.

And eventually I popped back on the commuter rail, headed for the gym. And started dozing. I think it was the poutine carbs. Felt like Thanksgiving dinner, yo. In any case, I woke up with a start, looked out the window, and saw we were passing Bridge Street and were about to go into the tunnel leading to Salem Depot. In other words, for everyone who's reading this and isn't Uncle and knows nothing about the North Shore, I almost missed my stop for the second time in one day. Which would have been really tragic had I not come to until Rowley or something. Sigh. I'm telling all y'all, I'm becoming a danger to myself and others.

I hauled my sleepy ass off the train and to the gym, where I proceeded to burp up poutine throughout my squats and my SLDLs. You haven't lived till you've continually burped poutine for fifteen minutes in the power rack, kids. Going to the weight room in Quebec must be quite the experience.

Well, I hope you all had a lovely Wednesday that lacked bad news about your private parts, transportation snafus, and digestive distress after tasty food. Kiss kiss.



Uncle said...

Despite the burping, I'm sure that poutine, taken daily, will eventually curb the memory lapses. Even read something about it...I think. Ha.

Actually, I think the Central Square stop exists in a parallel universe. It was easy to miss even when I had a brain.

malevolent andrea said...

Curb the memory lapses or make my pants too tight. Tomato, tomahto. :-)

crispix67 said...

Hmm..maybe I will try this poutine stuff. Tried sushi last weekend for the 1st time- was yummy, but not economical IMHO then I ate my 1st Vortex burger- a place here in Atlanta known nationwide (supposedly) for being *the* place to get burgers in the ATL. The carnivore in me was quite happy...freakin' amazing burger :-) I had forgotten how good they can taste- rarely eat red meat anymore.

Between the anxiety and perimenopause, my brain has not been functioning very well either. We could write a book- your commuter rail adventures and my driving around forgetting where Im going or having to remind myself "Oh, Im going to this place- not that place today" Which only makes me worry- if Im this messed up at 44- what is 80 gonna be like? LOL (sorta)