Wednesday, November 9, 2011

live mics, expensive hot water n' decorating decisions, + more

Plus more!

I was gonna write this post last night but I was feeling a little bit too down.

I have a nice brand new hot water heater, which I will appreciate shortly when I attempt to bathe my (not really) stinky body, but the whole shenanigans cost a lot more than I was expecting. I had two very nice minions of Mr Waldman in my basement all afternoon, so obviously the labor was money. (Steer your children into a career in plumbing, boys and girls, and they can support you in your old age when your federal government stops sending you social security and the bank eats your 401k!) I'm also getting a new garbage disposal and very much needed kitchen faucet, but the very nice minions basically showed me the figures for what it costs if they supply the faucet rather than buying it myself (whoa!), so they're coming back when I have the parts. And then one of the very nice minions told me I should pick up my own garbage disposal too if they're gonna do that, 'cause that'll save me a big markup too. And helpfully told me exactly which one to get and what color box it comes in. Ell oh ell. They were very nice. Anyway, I found it on amazon for $77, which is 59% off list price, so I'ma order it tomorrow.

Oh, P.S., my very nice plumbers confirmed that 14+ years was a damn good lifespan for my water heater, because they usually last ten years or less. I think the hard water croaks them.

Meanwhile, I also spent hours yesterday, while they were here and after, looking at faucets online. I need one that fits a "four hole sink". [Insert that "sex orgies" joke I missed the other day here.] I think I have made a decision.

Nice, huh? $95 on amazon, which is also more than half off. I had to confer with my son on which finish would best go with our stainless steel sink, and he thought the less shiny, darker one, and I think I concur. If you think otherwise, vote now before I order my plumbing supplies tomorrow. I am gonna stop by Home Depot today too, just to make sure none of this stuff isn't cheaper there and/or that there isn't a faucet on their shelves that kicks this one's ass, but I'm pretty sure my bargain amazon prices with no tax will be better.

Now, onto international politics. I am lulzing over Obama and Carla's husband trash talking the Israeli dude and getting caught. Though, Mr Obama was pretty circumspect, you must admit. I woulda been, "Oh, yeah, isn't he a douche??!!!??" which is why I am not involved in international politics, boys and girls. Anyway, I think it's hilarious that there's all this handwringing over this. Are we supposed to believe/pretend that just because another country is our ally, their leader and our leader will automatically be BFFs? We all live in the real world, right? We all have to work occasionally with people we heartily dislike yet must make nice to, and we all in that situation will roll our eyes and vent about them when given the chance.

In domestic politics, I am pretty sure Herbert Cain is a douche. A sleazebag douche. Also, thank god that "personhood" law was defeated in Mississippi. BRB, banning oral contraceptives because some people don't understand human physiology!

Alright, I think I have given you all the news and opinions I had to share. Happy Wednesday!



crispix67 said...

I like the darker one too. Good luck at Home Depot...perhaps your contractor second husband will be there to help you :-)

malevolent andrea said...

Damn. I forgot about that possibility. This means I need to wash my hair before I go, huh?

Good thing there's plenty of hot water!