Thursday, November 17, 2011

intrigued, horrified...

It's all on the same continuum, right? This both makes me kinda want to gag, but also to try it. It looks very labor-intensive though. Maybe it's the kind of thing you make for guests you really don't like all that much, such that you get to mess around and make it, then have the added satisfaction of watching them politely eat it when they maybe want to gag? I've given up ever entertaining people I don't actually like, though, so I can't even do that. But maybe it's actually tasty? I know some people swear by Thanksgiving-leftover sandwiches, but that was never a "thing" in my family. As far as I am concerned, cranberry sauce goes on the side of your plate, gets eaten with a fork, and doesn't touch your other food.

What's up with Thanksgiving being so early this year anyway? It seems too close to my birthday, even though it's NOT on the earliest possible date. Maybe I'm just in denial because I ain't ready for all this holiday nonsense, followed by the two to three months of freezing cold and snow nonsense.

In other news, I really need a massage.

Happy Thursday!



crispix67 said...

Now see, I thought I was looking at an actual cake..not a whole Thanksgiving dinner in the shape of a cake. I guess it would save on dishes to just mix everything together.

Mashed potato frosting...hmmm. Im kinda with you, intrigued and horrified. Id like to try it, if someone else made it :-)

Uncle said...

Whereas I think the purpose of cooking a turkey is mainly to have leftovers and keep doing neat stuff with them. Not *that* neat, however.

malevolent andrea said...

I feel a blog challenge coming on...