Saturday, July 10, 2010

i'll stop talking about baseball soon

Like, in November. Be patient.

Did anyone see any of that Red Sox game last night? I came home in the midst of that third inning. At first it was gratifying. But soon enough I started feeling sad for the Toronto pitchers who just could not get anyone out. When your team goes ahead 5-0, you feel good. It's a comfortable lead. The night's looking promising. When your team is leading 9-0, and an inning is just going on and on and on, it starts to be less pleasurable. That's not a comfortable lead; that's a pile-on. It may be my excess supply of empathy, but I hate to see anyone humiliated. Except for A-Rod and possibly That Bastard Lackey. (I'd probably add JD "Nancy" Drew to that list, but do we think he's capable of caring about anything enough to *be* humiliated? I seriously doubt it. Anyone who sits out a game because of neck stiffness on the same day Pedroia is filmed fielding grounders from his knees 'cause he can't put weight on his broken foot but wants to keep his hands sharp, and while about six other important players on his team are on the DL has no shame. Obviously. They've got trainers and massage therapists available to work on your poor widdle neck, Nancy. Look into it.)

N E Way, yes, I felt sorry for the Toronto pitching staff. It also made for a boring game, such that eventually D put some show about alien abductions on. ( Did you know that's pretty much all that's on the Learning Channel these days? Alien abductions and Big Foot. Learning, my ass.) If I had been smart, I'd have gone upstairs, 'cause I've got the first DVD of the second season of True Blood waiting, and that, my friends, is a not-so-guilty pleasure. Instead, as usual, I didn't start watching it till 10:30 and promptly fell asleep before there was even one sex scene. What good does that do me? I ask you.

In summary, I recommend closer sporting contests and more perverted vampire sex. You heard it here first.



Uncle said...

You did it again, y'know. Never feel pity for the other side.

True, I don't see why we can't have close sporting contests *and* perverted vampire sex...especially if the other side has to give blood.

Oh, was that "more" as in you want the vampire sex to be more perverted (can that be?) or as in you want more of it taking over the media?

malevolent andrea said...

I FINALLY watched the first two episodes on that DVD last night and do you know there was NO sex in the first one until minute 50-something? Obviously, there should be more. It was immediately followed by an incredibly gory (final)scene, so I guess they left all the payoff till the end. :-)