Tuesday, January 10, 2012

things we must discuss

I feel awfully behind. I have too much writing to do and not enough mental energy/concentration to do it. I blame that on the fact that I am back on a diet for the month of January. My body and brain function better with FOOD. LOTS of food. However as soon as February rolls around, I'ma go back to bulking and I'm bulking for the rest of the year, bitches. You will probably not be able to shut me up then. Anyway, amongst the emails I owe people and the journals and blogs I mean to comment in but haven't and the fact that I have a half-written (okay, quarter-) post waiting for me to finish on the other blog, there's also the fact that I want to discuss some shit with you all. We'll do that...now! Go!

1.) Unless you've been living under a rock/haven't seen any media the past couple days, you'll know by now that my favorite celeb couple, Jay-Z and Beyonce, finally had that baby of theirs. Her name is Blue Ivy. Ivy Blue would have sounded better, but no one asked for my imput. Hmmph. There's also a kurfluffle about them supposedly renting a whole hospital floor for a million bucks to deliver in, which the hospital denies, and also other maternity patients of the hospital bitching that all the extra security and so forth made their own hospital experience less than stellar. The Carter-Knowleses should just shut those whiners up with a ten thousand dollar college scholarship for each of their babies, nomsayin'? Also, in the song Hova wrote about his daughter's birth he confirmed that they did have a prior miscarriage. I'm glad to know that I figured that one out correctly.

2.) What's the deal about Ron Paul? Could someone please explain this to me? I saw this fluff piece on CNN over the weekend where they went to various bars in NH and asked the drinkers what beer they were having and whom they were voting for in the primary, and all the people drinking hipster beers like PBR were voting for Ron Paul. Also, there's this girl on one of my boards who's like 20, apparently a feminist, is planning on going to grad school for literature and becoming a college professor, and who is--how shall I put this?--um, not white, who has had a Ron Paul for President sig line for months, which I always was confused by and wondered if it was some kind of ironic thing I didn't get. But now I presume it isn't. Why do all these college kids and hipsters apparently like this Libertarian guy un-ironically? Can someone clue me in here. (I shoulda hooked up with that off-the-grid NH gun lover when I had the chance; I'm sure he could have filled me in on this shite.)

3.) I keep making streetlights go out when I walk underneath them. Seriously, I went out of a walk last night because I didn't make it to the gym, and it happened three times in 45 minutes. And it's been happening for weeks. Do you think I am developing super powers? Did a radioactive spider bite me when I was unaware? Oh! I forgot to tell you (I think). I woke up last weekone day with a bruise over the vein leading to my right thumb. It looked *exactly* like I had had an IV inserted there. I posited that blackmarket organ thieves broke into my house while I was sleeping and took a kidney but I couldn't find an incision. So then I went with my second theory, alien abduction. So this streetlight thing must be a side effect of my theoretical anal probing or whatever they did to me. See? I cleared that one up without your help. Still tells me nothing about Ron Paul though.

4.) I've wanted to say this for like three weeks but I've been afraid to jinx it. But now that we had a little snow flurry/dusting overnight it's safe. So: Guys! Isn't it awesome that it's the middle of winter and we have no snow and/or ice on the ground and that we've only had a few real cold days interspersed with a bunch of nice lovely warm ones???!?? This is a winter I can get behind, yo.

Okay. That's it for now.


1 comment:

malevolent andrea said...

Mr Indemnity told me blogger still hates him and wouldn't post his comment, so this is what he wanted to say:

If we get a major snowstorm, you're digging my car out. Just sayin'

As for Ron Paul, he has a few things going for him for those under 25 or so:

1) He's against the wars

2) He's against the drug wars

3) He's against increased government surveillance/intrusion

4) He appeals to social misanthropes who want "government out of our
personal lives"

Somehow 4) doesn't quite work with his desire to intrude government
into our reproductive lives.

And he excites young people by being both

a) Having been around forever boring the country and getting nothing
done, like Obama while

b) Being all maverick-y by not following in lock-step with the rest of
the hard-right Republican establishment.

Of course, the fact that he's even *harder* right on a lot of issues
doesn't work so well. Neither does the fact that almost everything
else he stands for is entirely anathema to most college kids. But he is different, and that's getting them all worked up."

Thank you, Mr Indemnity. hahaha