Tuesday, January 31, 2012

life is just a series of small victories

I had a pleasant surprise when I checked my bank balance this weekend before mailing the city my big ol' whopping property tax check. There was more money in there than I was afraid there was going to be, which means my recent mega-economizing has worked. I have not been going out hardly at all. <--[that's a very badly constructed and grammatically incorrect sentence right there but I don't love all y'all enough to fix it and you know what I mean, even with the double negative.] I have been bringing food to work almost every day and not buying lunch. (Both the not-going-out and the bringing-my-sad-little-lunch were undertaken not just for economical reasons, but because I was on a diet for the month of January. And can I just say? thank god tomorrow's February. Dieting sucks, but dieting when you're not actually fat sucks more.) The thermostat in my house remains at 66 or under. Usually under. And I have held off on most discretionary purchases.

Extremely happy that I could pay my taxes and not be broke, I figured I could now buy some stuff which is not essential to life, but is damn close, and that I have been holding out on. I bought four different DaVinci syrups and the protein bars I like but have not had for months from netrition.com. I bought creatine and non-ghetto whey (chocolate peanut butter flavor--it better be good) from bodybuilding.com. I bought eye liner and primer (aka face spackle) from Sephora. And I bought a Buffy bar from Lush. And then I felt complete.

Oh shut up. Not really. But it felt good that scrimping here and there meant I could then buy some things I really wanted without guilt or worry. Or, y'know, debt. And that's even after losing five bucks last week! [insert winky face here]

I'm almost tempted to blow some money on a pedi too. You should see my feet. Not pretty. But I'll probably scrimp some more before that. I'm sure my new eye liner and face spackle will keep people looking at my beauteous visage and not my sad toenails! Ahem.

Happy final day of January in which there is no snow on the ground (unless it's snowing now, yo), bitches. Did I mention I'm loving this winter?


1 comment:

Fernando Vega said...

Funny thing about this... I was putting together a workout bench yesterday evening and was struggling with it for a bit. After finally assembling it, I said to my roomate, "life is just a series of small victories man..." I thought I'd heard this quote somewhere before, but wasn't exactly sure where, so I turned to my good mate Google, and stumbled upon your blog post. I was really stricken by how you and were/are gong through similar "battles" here in life. I too am trying to more of a penny pincher, which is a complete 180 degrees from the mad frivolous spending habits I'd inherited from a previous life. I also have a jug of choco-peanut butter flavored "non-ghetto" whey protein, some creatine, and although I haven't opted for the mani/pedi, I was thinking about treating myself to a nice message this morning.

Anyhoot, that's all I have to say and I just thought it was kind of weird to stumble upon such a character as similar to myself.

Kudos to you for being so much like me!

-Fernando Vega