Thursday, January 26, 2012

life is just a series of minor irritations

I was gonna tell you the whole long story about how I came to have a $5 bill in my jacket pocket last night that isn't there this morning, but then I figured, dude! you are being one of those minor irritations. No one cares. So let's skip ahead to the fact that somehow, somewhere, on my way home last night I lost $5, and I hope whoever finds it a.) is a little kid or b.) really needs it. Nevertheless, losing five bucks pissed me off greatly this morning, mainly because I know it is my own stupid fault for putting money in my jacket pocket during the winter when I am also always shoving my gloves into my pocket so that I can do things like get my keys out or add money to my CharlieCard.

In my effort to not be so irritated by this, I have told myself two things. #1, that this balanced out all those times when I have put on a jacket or pair of pants I haven't worn in six months and found cash in the pocket I didn't know was there. #2, $5 is a trip to Starbucks if you tip, which I usually do, so I can just tell myself that I went to Starbucks last night on my way home and I've developed amnesia about it. So that five bucks, while still wasted, was wasted on caffeine, not just wasted on nothing.


Put your cash directly into your wallets, kids, and learn from my stupidity.



crispix67 said...

Oh, but if I put my cash in my wallet I cant have moments like the otehr morning when I reached for something beside my car seat and pulled up a $10 bill. I am sure that my perimenopausal and a little ADD brain just forgot that I had dropped it there the day before or maybe a week ago.

Hey, maybe I found your money and it doubled on it's way down the East coast? Id give it back to you, but I already spent it. Cant remember on what though ;-)

malevolent andrea said...

Was it coffee? ;-)