Friday, February 3, 2012

no brown-clad babies for me

I am out of love with my UPS driver. Well, actually, I must have a new one and he's the one on my bad list.

Through the miracle of online tracking, I knew my package from was due to be delivered yesterday. Somewhere around 6:30pm, I thought, hmmm, I better go check outside my front door, because perhaps I didn't hear the doorbell while I was upstairs. (My UPS driver's usual motus operandi is to come somewhere in late afternoon, give my bell one ring so I know he's been there, and drop my box in front of the door. Usually I get to the door in time to wave at him and say "thanks!" as he's getting back into his truck.)

There was no package. I go online and track. Oh! According to them it was delivered to me at 2:43pm and *left at my front door*. I (of course) panic and freak out. I go outside and recheck the area outside the door, not that I could possibly have missed a small-to-medium sized box there or anything. I navigate the UPS website to find a contact number. I call said number. Their phone tree gives me a.) absolutely no option to talk to a actual person--there's no "...or stay on the line and an associate will assist you." and b.) no option to report a lost package. I navigate the website some more.There's sorta kinda a place to report a lost package but it needs to be from the sender.

I say many bad words. Then I go on the site and find their customer service email. I write them a note, explaining my problem and the fact that I live on a cul-de-sac and there's absolutely no traffic past my front door, so I am pretty damn sure no one stole my supplements. (Plus, as I said to my weightlifting buddies, who would steal a box from if they don't go to the gym? It's not like it would have looked like it contained electronics or something.), in a display of stellar customer service, emails me back almost immediately. My representative "Matt" asks me to confirm my address (correct) and suggests that I check with the neighbors to make sure none of them has my package. If they do not, he will file a claim with UPS.

Well, I am pretty sure that if my package was left on any of the neighbors front doors, they would have walked it back down the hill. They may primarily be a bunch of douchebags, but face it, they don't want my creatine either. However, I figure I will take a little walk and see if there's a package outside anyone's door that has not been found yet. I have no luck, but as I am walking back down the hill, and thus approaching my house from an entirely different angle, I see my box. It was not left at my "front door." It was placed inside the base of the basketball hoop in my driveway. The UPS man, apparently new and not knowing my neighbors are not larcenous, had apparently hidden my box from being seen from the street. He did such a fabulous job, he hid it from me as well. Goddamn it.

I email "Matt" back to tell him all is well and I praise his quick response to my problem. He writes back and thanks me for my "awesome" email. No lie.

And can I just say, this all could have been avoided by the UPS tracking saying that my package was delivered *to my driveway*, not to my front door. Then I would have searched the yard first before panicking.

So, yes, not happy with UPS anymore and I hope my regular driver is just on vacation or something. But at least I will be sure to check the bushes n' shit the next time I'm expecting anything.


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