So many things I could discuss with you all and that have come to mind to write about: the orgasm wars, the usual snitty things about Valentines Day, how D and I threw out a huge amount of my dad's stuff yesterday (and there's so much more to go), how my recent great pleasure with how my body is doing has been eroded by just a few comments from other people, about how baseball--real and otherwise--is just around the corner, about people I see in my gym all the time and how I have given them all descriptive names, and a bunch of other miscellany. But unfortunately I am having a huge anxiety attack about money and the house and the future and how I am fucking up everything in my life and what the worst case scenario of EVERYTHING is, all of which a nice dose of ativan has not alleviated. But I'm still here, and I'll get back to writing things for your amusement soon, I promise. In the meantime, have some lolcats:

Yes, you haz ben werkin out. :-)
Breathe. (dont hit me)just breathe.
I know that *my* own worst case scenarios have never come true. May yours never have either.
Is there someone you trust that you can tell those scenarios to...that can help you deconstruct them and see how the odds of them coming to fruition are highly unlikely? Im not talking a therapist...maybe a good friend...someone who can talk you down.
Oh, and lolcats are excellent for treating anxiety attacks :-)
Thank you :-) I'm better. Putting GIANT checks in the mail makes me upset, but I am better now :-) Lolcats did help. hahaha
That makes almost everyone upset :-) Glad you're feeling better.
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