According to the guy in them, those were literally taken two weeks apart and the difference is all in posture, angle, tan vs non-tan, how hydrated and on or off carbs he was, photography (lighting etc, NOT photoshop), with a pump vs not, and on or off supplements that increase vascularity. Blows your mind, doesn't it? And should clear up any lingering doubts you have about whether you should believe infomercials!
I just thought this was fascinating. Carry on.
Hmm..and its taken me years of yoga to get a 4 pack. Where was this guy when I needed him?
I KNOW. Why the hell are we bothering with all this "exercise" bullshit, when apparently we can look awesome just by having someone following us around lighting us properly? ;-)
This also explains a great many Internet dating pictures...
Internet dating pictures are sort of the equivilent of how a Big Mac looks in the ad as opposed to what you get in your #1 meal if you're unwise enough to buy one!
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