As you are looking at them you may say to yourself, "Damn, Andrea, do you have a whole nother room in your house which you *haven't* yet made us suffer through redecorating photos of?" Welll, no. Mr Barma kindly played photographer for me and that is his tastefully decorated living room. As you are looking at them, you may also say to yourself, "Damn, Andrea, you weren't kidding about the bulgy Polish catcher's thighs." To which I say, "No shit! Would I lie to all y'all?"
So, here we go. Onward and upward. First up, side view, not flexing anything.
Front view. See the very faint suggestion of abs? SQUINT, goddamn it. Ha!
Flex! I don't think my arms have grown much since I last gave you a gun show. However? Note my outer pec: my armpit is now so indented, it makes it hard to shave. (Have I mentioned that before?)
Leg flex!
I still think I don't know how to flex my lats to best effect, but even so, very pleased with my progress back there. Note also that while I kept my face outta these, I had no problem showing off one of my distinguishing marks. Oooo, slick, I am!
And in this full back shot, you can probably just barely make out my neck tattoo as well! When Mr Barma was taking this, he was sweetly and tactfully trying to tell me I had a little "shadowing" at this angle and maybe I wasn't going to like the shot. I was like, no, dude, it's not shadowing, it's fat. Is ok, I know it's there. That's why they're progress pictures. Maybe the next ones will be better. But actually what I don't like about this shot, seeing it on the computer, is that it looks like I have no neck. Please refer to the top of the page: I do have one. Srsly.
And, finally, we were goofing around, doing a cheesecake shot--which by the way, I was really bad at. I kept inadvertently smooshing my boobs into my chest or somehow covering my boobs yet letting a nipple show. It was pretty funny. But when I finally got myself correctly situated, Mr Barma told me this shot actually shows off my arms and shoulders very well. So I kept it. It also shows off the loose skin on my belleh, but I figure that can only make you people pity me and want to donate to my tummy tuck fund. It's all good.
I see the abs-without squinting! Must be the lighting ;-)
Nice coasters...and leg flex :-)
Of course you have a neck- where else would you have put your neck tattoo?
Will your tummy tuck fund take a check? ;-)
1.) Always using a coaster is one of Mr Barma's many fine qualities, along with his ability to photograph me from an angle at which it appears I have abs!
2.) The check won't bounce, will it? Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, you aren't promising anything.
Impressive progress: even on the (allegedly) other side of the gender divide I'm envious.
And just a comment. Through all the narrative about Polish catcher's thighs, I've kept asking myself "and what's *wrong* with that?"
There's nothing wrong with it! How the hell else do you block the plate?!?? :-)
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