Here's a statue I've been staring at on overstock.com all week. Considering I'm well on my way to raping, pillaging, and misappropriating symbols of ALL the major world religions in my quest to make my home look like a Pier 1 and a Pottery Barn mated and had a deformed, illegitimate child, I think having this Ganesha statue in the garden to keep Buddha company would be just swell. And I have no Hindu neighbors to offend. It does, however, cost 82 bucks. There's a limit to how much I am willing to spend in order to make that patio look nice. I'm kinda torn. Especially since summer comes with other expenses, like my lawn-mowing guys (who hopefully will come again) and pedicures and people's birthdays in July (you know who you are, both of you). (I should be generating more income by writing pr0n or giving massages to people who will actually pay for it. Or both. God.)
The fact that it has again been raining nonstop for the better part of three days means I have not been able to do anything on/in/with the patio anyway. It just gives me more time to think about it.
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