This is a picture of Ms Diaz which appeared on gofugyourself yesterday. She was being taken to task for wearing that romper, which, um, yes. The return of the romper over the past couple years is a trend that can just go away now. However, disappointingly, Cammie was also mocked for her arms and neck. Not only is it disappointing because the Fug Girls do not generally bodysnark--it's the clothes they make fun of, not the bodies in them--except to occasionally suggest that some skinny actress who has suddenly become even more thin to the point of scariness should eat a sandwich or look into some carbs, it's disappointing because, oh man, her arms look AWESOME. A number of people took this position in the comments, which was reassuring to me. Also, Cammie's traps only look weird in that picture because of a.) the angle and b.) the neckline of that hideous romper.
Okay, now for the criminal. Whitey Bulger's capture was kinda anticlimactic, wasn't it? I think that's all I have to say about that. They captured an old man in an apartment building in Cali. How the hell can they spice that up when they make the movie?
Also criminal. Fuckin' Lackey. Do you know he has *four* more years on his contract? Do you know what they are paying him? Do you know he has the highest ERA in the league? Do you know my loathing for him has now surpassed that for Nancy and that he needs a disparaging nickname? Besides the appropriate "Fuckin' Lackey," 'cause that one can't be used in polite company. Which, believe it or not, I am occasionally in.
1 comment:
Sorry, I'm waaaay behind on my blog reading. This is why you need to be on FB.
In any case, you know the reason they keep running Lackey to the mound even though he has the highest ERA in the league. Cause *his salary is so high*.
WTF sense does that make? Because you have to pay him so much anyway, you should pay him to *lose* games for, as opposed to the *other* people you're paying less to (but are also under contract so you also will have to pay them too) that have a better chance of *winning* games for you. This is totally moronic.
I've read that "Lackey is a starting pitcher, he can't work out of the bullpen" well HE'S NOT WORKING AS A STARTING PITCHER EITHER.
When you're watching Cameron Diaz sitting in the third base box seats this November rather than Mrs. Big Papi, you'll know it's because someone stupidly gave Lackey too much money.
I'll go with the romper, though. More opportunity for exposing that which is usually unexposed.
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