First of all, I said (okay, wrote) the following today: no matter what the magazines on the newsstand tell you, eating 1200 calories a day is a recipe for skinny fat or just skinny, *not* a nice body. Then I was really disappointed in myself. Really, I thought I had come further in my mental kindness to bodies, my own and other people's, than that. All bodies are nice bodies. What I meant to say was *not* the kind of fit and healthy-looking body most of us are aspiring to, not "a nice body." I almost went back after the fact and edited it to the above, complete with explanation, but since no one gives a shit about my struggles with bodily image but me, I ended up not bothering. That doesn't, however, save *you* from hearing about it. You know what you're in for when you visit here.
Secondly, you would think the Y would have been crowded today, flooded with all those people who exercise for one month out of the year, but it was not. Perhaps New Years Resolutions don't kick in until Monday. (BTW, did I tell you what my resolution is? To wear a cocktail dress to the Home Depot at least once a month, because I have it on good authority that when one does, men ask one out. And you know my future contractor second ex-husband is out there somewhere, just waiting to be seduced. It's good to have a plan.) Where was I? Oh, yeah. The Y was surprisingly deserted, but it was incredibly hot. I kind of had plans for afterwards, but I forewent them because when I was stretching at the end of my workout, I realized I had, uh, sweat through the entire crotch area of my leggings. And even though my shirt covered that, you really cannot go anywhere but home when you've sweat through your crotch and it looks vaguely like you've peed yourself. I hope they get the temperature adjusted in there because if it is both crowded *and* hot the next time I go, I will not be happy.
Did that gross you out enough or would you like to keep going? Okay! I learned something today I never, ever knew before, and I wonder if any of you know it too. Apparently it is fairly common for endurance athletes like marathoners and triathletes to, uh, poop themselves in the midst of a race/competition. It's apparently something that everyone in any way involved knows, but nobody much talks about. I have absolutely no desire to ever run 26 miles for any reason anyway, but this knowledge seals the deal. It happens in other sports, too. Like to football linemen. Here's a really interesting article about it, including the science of why.
And, now, in totally unrelated subject matter, completely non-poop-related, I must show you something fabulous from the interwebs. Specifically from a style and body-image blog called, the reading of which I highly recommend.

Isn't that the cutest outfit ever worn? (The sweater's a hoodie, too, in case you couldn't tell.) Wouldn't I look adorable in that? Doesn't it look like something I would wear? I kinda have a skirt like that. I just need the hoodie, the tights, and the Fluevog boots. Ahem. But, seriously, I am in lurve with that outfit. It might even help me seduce a contractor. I'm *sure* contractors like Fluevog boots.
Namaste, bitches.
1 comment:
*Before* I go read the science, as a one-time bicycling racer, I can confirm that this happens. With cyclists, it seemed most to be urination, due to excessive hydration before the race. We found it was better to have little solid food before the event and just enough fluid, then hydrate about as fast as the kidneys could process the intake. Some people were not so foresighted, which made life in the peloton (those tight groups of cyclists) interesting. Lot of gas too :(
Now that I've grossed out the non-clinical portion of the audience, I'll go do the reading :-)
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