Tree from across the street that fell into my driveway and is blocking the road:

Utility pole next door snapped:

Closeup of my driveway:

Tree in front of my yard still upright, with downed power lines through it:

Tree next door that hasn't fallen on my roof yet:

And I still have electricity and internet!
PS. I'm scared!
Just don't try to move them. If some of the neighbours are annoying, encourage *THEM* to move the wires (just kidding!)
There are Verizon and Nationalgrid trucks around the corner on the main street right now, dealing with what looks like another pole down there, so hopefully they'll be by to do something!
Sorry we sent our yucky weather to you guys. I tried to steer it out to the ocean, but it wouldnt go that way. :-(
Im on Day 3 of being snowed/iced in. Actually, its more iced in. And the fact that we have weather like this about every 25 years, so theres very little in the way of road prep and clearing. I am sure theyre doing the best they can, but it has been one big mess down heah.
Any tips on making it through being stuck inside? Ive been doing yoga and breathing and reading and I went sledding Monday and today. I am gonna attempt a walk after lunch. The sun is out a bit today, so that helps :-)
Stay safe, y'all!
I hope Verizon and National Grid make it to your street. Personally, I gave up on Flatlander emergency readiness the day I saw them using an oil truck for plowing on Rte. 128. Holy explosions, Batman!
After 6 hours of no power (and the house getting colder and colder, eek) electricity is back on. There's still a tree in my driveway (hacked up into more pieces than it started out) but you can't have everything. I'll settle for power atm.
And thank god for the (fully recharged!) kindle. I read another book and a half, while periodically looking out the window to watch them put up a brand new utility pole where the snapped one used to be and reconnecting the wires. It was kinda fascinating.
Ms Crispix, I was at Marcy's getting acupunctured yesterday and in our discussion of the coming storm, we got to talking about the blizzard of '78, which occurred when she was in preschool and in Cali. I was here and a sophomore in high school and so remember it vividly. We had no school for like two weeks and for much of that time *everything* was closed. She asked me if I thought it was cool and I was like, "Um, at first, but then it got pretty boring. We didn't have cable TV! There was no Nintendo! You couldn't text anyone!" We were cracking up like, yeah, what *did* people do back then? Have conversations? Read books? hahahaha
So, yeah, I don't think I'm good at coming up with snowed-in activities. Your idea of going sledding was gold.
Glad your power is back on! I was worried about ours going out when they were talking about all this freezing rain and sleet. We got some, but not as much as they first said-thank goodness. Now the snow has melted a bit and then refroze, melted and refroze.
And everyone's blaming GDOT for the roads being a mess. Why arent they bitching about their local governments- city and county? I dont know.
I know in Mizzoorah the state did the highways and the local governments did the streets. But, this is Georgia...they do things differently here,I guess. :-)
I was just talking to my neighbor about when we think the city's gonna get the tree out of our street. Consensus: not soon. He was like the only person on the street who went to work this morning and got out *before* the tree went over, so now his truck's around the corner, where it's probably gonna get towed. He's like, well, yeah, then I won't be able to go to work *tomorrow*. Silver linings :-)
Oh! And I heard on the news this morning that Florida is the only state in the continental US without snow on the ground right now. Isn't that crazy!??
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