Oh, hai, peeps. Happy Easter! <--see what I did there?
I received a phone call yesterday, somewhat concerned that there've been no posts in here in six weeks. My caller wanted to make sure that a.) I wasn't ded and b.) if I were ded, she'd have been notified. I had to agree that to forestall that sort of speculation I really *should* have put up an On Vacation...On Sabbatical...On Hiatus...Going Out of Business Sale post. Here ya go!
Here's the thing, kids. I think this blog has reached the end of its natural lifespan. No one was reading and no one was commenting and it takes the amusement that I used to find in The Adventures away. I'm writing elsewhere. I put up a few posts a month on my fitness blog, though since that's real writing requiring actual subject matter and youtube videos and google image searching, even when I have a really good idea, sometimes it takes awhile for me to get around to it. Because, bitches, I'm lazy. I also have a journal on a weightlifting board I post on and there's a lot of cross-talk and joking around and moral support amongst my fellow journalers. And since we don't stay on topic and only post our workouts, I feel free to rant, post music videos, and occasionally discuss what I might or might not buy on there. So that fulfills my need to post daily minutiae and, y'know, have people tell me I'm cracking them the hell up. I will admit I stay far away from political or social issues on there and that every time I overhear an epic cell phone conversation, I still have to sit on my hands from posting that shit all up in here. Oh, well. One cannot have everything.
So, carry on, Adventurers! We'll always have the Prison Bus.
xoxo and some more xoxo
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