And I found, believe it or not, a whole cardboard box of photos that I am sure have been sitting right there since 1995. Needless to say, 99.9% of them had been ruined by sitting in a box in a garage for over 15 years, but there was one remarkably unfaded baby picture of moi, a picture of my mom and me in front of the Acropolis circa 1971 (my mom has long hair, which I do not ever remember her having, and is thin, which, ditto) that I was totally unaware of the existence of, and then there was this:
my 8th grade graduation class picture, name of the school covered up to protect the privacy of my fellow dorky classmates who would wish to deny this image is of them. Is the picture quality too bad, or can you pick me out? Hint: I am wearing something I re-bought in a different color 30+ years later. The tallest boy in the back row, next to our (tall, blond) teacher? He was my first "boyfriend", the first guy I ever made out with, and the first one that ever touched my boobs. He had a very tragic family life and later appeared on TV on Candlepins for Cash at least once. I do not remember if he won. The red-haired girl and the skinny little girl on the far left were my BFFs, though obviously that last "F" was inaccurate. The red-haired girl became a lawyer, but is not mayor of any cities in Massachusetts. I have no idea what happened to the skinny girl.
I was looking at this picture and thinking, wow, either the 70s were a cruel decade or age 13 is tough and awkward, because have you ever seen such a collection of unattractive dorks? At least two or three of those girls grew up to be stunningly pretty--within the next couple of years, even--but you really can't prove it by this.
I like my outfit, though. Like I said, I bought part of it again.
You'd be the one right behind the flash?
That's how'd I'd do it if any such images of my puberty surfaced. (I've burnt all I can find.)
Actually I have a guess but I'm waiting for other contenders.
Tsk. It's not a trick question. I am in the picture. [My son knew me immediately, so you know I look now exactly as I did then ;-) ]
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