I went to see Marcy yesterday and had my chi adjusted. It felt awesome while I was there. In fact, I was falling asleep almost as soon as she put the needles in, and I got that really heavy feeling that happens sometimes, I'm assuming when she hits certain points. It's hard to describe, but the best I can do is that it feels like you're being weighted down by a bunch of very heavy warm blankets on top of you, like you cannot move your limbs, but in a pleasant way. But unlike as is usual when Marcy tunes up the ol' chi and I feel much better, calmer, and more mentally right, last night I had a very vivid and unpleasant dream. Not a nightmare in the monsters-are-gonna-eat-me vein, just a very unpleasant dream in which a person in my life behaved reprehensibly towards me. I woke up in an unsettled and bad mood, and have not been able to shake it. Maybe Marcy over-corrected something. Sigh.
In other news (that's my favorite transition, in case you haven't noticed), I forgot to tell you about the other thing that happened in Nordstrom the other day. The Benevolent L and I saw this woman who was clearly anorexic. She was wearing a skirt with tights, and her thigh was the circumference of my forearm. Just skin over femur, no fat, no muscle. You had to look at her and look away quickly. And there she was, walking around Nordstrom, chatting on her cell phone. Scary, and scary that a person could be at that point and just be out living a life, not hospitalized. How does that happen? It kind of dovetails with a conversation we actually had later that night about the right of patients to refuse treatment (in reference to someone we know) and how that's gone too far in the opposite direction. There's got to be a point where it's recognized that you are a danger to your own life and you don't get to make those decisions any more.
Oh, and in relation to the whole Nordstrom story to begin with, and the calorie counts, I was in Starbucks yesterday and I picked up one of their nutritional pamphlets. Hey, it was by the napkins. According to them, the highest any of their drinks are is ~500 calories. Add whipped cream and it's 600. So what Nordstrom could possibly be putting in those frappaccinos of theirs to make them over a thousand calories, I just cannot imagine. Forty teaspoons of sugar? Heavy cream? Do not know. I kinda want to have one now for realz and find out!
Well, I'm sure this has been utterly fascinating to you all. I'll make up for that. Lolcats, just for you.

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